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Nailing our colours to the mast!

Nailing our colours to the mast!

Independent wine store - Nailing our colours to the mast!Welcome to our new website - The independent wine store of the future

After many long months of development and refinement, it's finally here, our shiny new website!  Our mission is to share our love and knowledge of fine wine with you. We are here to make your life easier, more exciting and more delicious.   We want to take our love of wine to the world, to shout it out from the rooftops so to speak, to embrace the power of technology and engage with more people than we ever could by just being one little shop in Paddington.    

We are committed to taking our in-store experience and bringing it to the worldwide web.  We are going to let you into the mysterious and wondrous world of wine, by sharing our passion, opinions and knowledge with you, the wine lovers and drinkers of Australia.   Why should you listen to us? That's a great question; I'm glad you asked.

We have been running a successful wine store in Paddington, Brisbane since 2004.   The motivation then, and now is to offer you a choice to the major retail chains that dominate the market — wines made by real people, each with a story to tell.   You could say it's just good old-fashioned retailing, where you get personal service and people who genuinely care and love what they do.

Although we are an entirely independent wine merchant and serve no master but ourselves, we are a tiny fish in a large pond.   Recent statistics by Roy Morgan put independent retailers at just under 10% of the market. In Australia, we now have a duopoly (two companies) that control over 74% of the alcohol beverage market, with one single company controlling over 50%! 

You probably don't know it, but that has resulted in a reduction of choice and a homogenisation (the process of making things uniform or similar) of the market for wine. That means mediocrity rules and promotional dollars talk. The 'pay to play' model of retailing.

We endeavour to offer an alternative, to seek out the quiet voices, the winemakers making exceptional wines that would not see the light of day in the big retailers.   We believe 'choice' is essential, and we will continue to work hard to discover and recommend the hidden gems and avant-guard producers changing the world of wine. 

We invite you to explore the new website and stay in touch by sign up to our mailing list.  Be prepared to open your mind to the joys of pleasureful and life-enhancing wine. 

We hope you enjoy your Wine Experience.


Michael, Carl, Jamie, Scott & Constantine

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